Wednesday, Nov 25, 2020-“London Bridge is Falling Down, Falling Down . . . . . “

The nursery rhyme that us Baby Boomers remember from the 50’s is NOT what is happening to the London Bridge I’m talking about! This London Bridge was sold by London to Robert McCulloch in 1968. 

This London Bridge served London Crossing the River Thames from 1832 to 1968. When it could no longer handle the weight of the vehicular traffic, the city of London put it up for auction and the highest bidder was McCulloch. Who is, or was, McCulloch, you say? Well, he was the wealthy Texas oilman who was developing The Woodlands, TX and a new city in the AZ desert. 

The new city was Lake Havasu City on the AZ-CA border. The London Bridge was disassembled stone by stone, shipped to Long Beach Harbor, trucked to LHC, and reassembled in his new development town. 

With the world’s largest antique as the centerpiece of his development, LHC took off over the next few years. Is it a little odd to see the London Bridge crossing a side channel of Lake Havasu in AZ? Yes, it IS odd but it has worked to create a new city in the desert!

The bridge is now the second-largest attraction in AZ. What’s the #1 attraction in AZ? Duh, it’s the Grand Canyon and THAT is the topic of the next blog post.

Here a pic of the bridge below the road surface where it crosses the channel:

Here is an even better pic of the sign with a little eye candy:


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