Monday, July 22nd-Forgetful!

Today we did some repair work on the camper (remember the blowout in MT on the way up here?). We spent an evening with our German neighbors in the campground, and realized I’d forgotten to write about two things. First, last week we spent 3-4 hours at the Anchorage Botanical Gardens and were blown away by all the beautiful plants! Here are a couple of pics:

Look carefully at the lower part of these pods! Beautiful!
What’s really amazing about these beautiful flowers is that they either grew all this beauty since the snow melted in May or they were transplanted from a greenhouse to the gardens and have grown this big and beautiful outdoors since May. The Gardens also has a 1.7 mile hiking trail that we enjoyed.

The other thing I forgot to write about was almost a disaster of monumental proportions: I almost ran out of Diet Snapple! We looked at grocery stores, Walmarts, and anywhere for powder packets of DS through Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon Territory. None! We got so desperate, I started making my own with packets of Crystal Light with a shot of Peach/Mango KL liquid to flavor it. It wasn’t DS but it was the closest we could find. Then, about three weeks ago, we found Diet Snapple in a Walgreens in Fairbanks! We bought all they had but that supply will be replenished when Sara and the kids get here on Thursday. That was getting scary but there will be enough to get back to the lower 48 in Sept or Oct!


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