Wed, Nov 18, 2020-Point Lobos State Reserve
Will Rogers called Point Lobos “The most beautiful meeting of land and sea.” Until four years ago, I agreed with him 100%. What happed four years ago, you say? Well, my Bride and I celebrated our 45th anniversary with 10 days in Kauai. Okay, what does Kauai have to do with the Will Rogers quote? Here’s my answer to that question:
We saw the Napali Coast!
Here is just one of my pics of Napali and then I’ll explain it better:
Maybe now you can understand why I’m not in total agreement with Will Rogers on this point. IMHO, Napali is “The most beautiful meeting of land and sea” and I’ll give you ONE BIG REASON for making that argument. Here goes . . . .There are NO ROADS along the Napali Coast!
The lush green mountains come down almost vertically to the turquoise Pacific and you can’t drive along that section of the coast! You can see it from the air, the water, or on foot and we saw it all three ways! We saw it from an open-door helicopter (Thanks to Sara and Caleb for THAT!), a snorkeling tour boat, and we hiked about two miles on the Kalalau Trail along Napali.
Anyway, Point Lobos, and the Central CA coast for that matter, IS beautiful and IS one of our favorite hikes anywhere! Here are a couple more pics:
As you can see, the color of the water varies from light and dark blue to light and dark turquoise to shades of white. Here’s proof:
We also found the Cypress trees pretty gnarly up on the peaks above the coast. Here’s a sample:
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