Sunday, Nov 1, 2020-Death Valley National Park

Death Valley NP is truly a land of extremes! It is the 1) hottest; 2) driest; and 3) lowest NP! Speaking first of the heat, it was only 91 degrees F when we got here yesterday but that’s freezing compared to the August 16, 2020 record temperature of 130 degrees F. But even that isn’t as hot as the temp here on July 10, 1913 when it was the highest recorded temperature on earth-134 degrees F! My! My!

As far as the driest NP, suffice it to say the average annual rainfall in Death Valley is 2.36 inches. We saw a sign in the Furnace Creek Visitors Center that there had been 160 days without measurable precipitation. That’s about 5.5 months without any rain!

Tomorrow we’re going to Badwater Basin, which is 282 feet below sea level, making it the lowest elevation in North America! I’ll post some pics of it then. 

We were fortunate to get a full hookup campsite inside the park. Here’s a pic of our view from the camper:

Yesterday, we went to Zabriskie Point and saw scenery like this:

Finally, here’s a pic of Diana and Dottie at one of the park entrances:

More DVNP Manana!


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