Saturday, November 2nd-A Crazy Week With Relief on the Way!

Somehow it’s not in my nature to be stationary! Diana got me home from the hospital last Sunday and it didn’t take long for a severe case of Cabin Fever to develop! For three and a half days, I sat in this recliner, about 200 yards from Lake Tahoe, and this was the view I had

We made a trip to Reno on Thursday to pick up a wheelchair-mobility IS a powerful force! Before that I had spent all that time like this:

Friday we ventured a trip to the campground shower and I got to sit outside with a somewhat blocked view of the lake. Here’s what I could see:

Now a plan is in shape to get us back to WHACKOVILLE! er ... normal. Our brother-in-law, Larry Gould, is flying from Okla City to Reno to drive our truck and trailer to the Dallas area. Sara lives there, the medical facilities are better than here, and we hope it will be warmer. We’ve been here 8-9 days and it’s been really cold-two nights of single digit lows!

Diana has been an Angel taking care of a crotchety old man! I can’t drive or even stand up so driving the truck is out of the question. Larry has our back there!

Today, Saturday, We went to buy some pants for me that will fit over the brace. Diana and I watched the sun set over the lake from the Zephyr Cove boat dock and it was beautiful! (I should say that she pushed the wheelchair, with me in it, from the parking lot to the dock!)


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