Monday, September 23rd-Towels and Tats?

We didn’t do much today except move from one campsite to another because we decided to stay in Sequim a few more days. Our site was reserved so from 27 to 23 we go! I’m not sure I believe all this “Rain shadow” stuff because it rained most of the day here.

So takin’ it easy and thinking about Alaska. I remembered two other random noticeable differences between Alaska compared to Canada and the lower 48: First, we saw very few, of any, electric hand dryers in restrooms while we were in Alaska. We get back to BC and AL in Canada and the lower 48 and 80-90% of the hand dryers are electric. Maybe it has something to do with the resources used to make paper towels in Alaska?

The second difference we noticed is the percentage of Millennials in Alaska that have one full-arm tattoo. So many of the younger generation in Alaska have converted one of their arms to displaying what is important to them. I’m not the Acme Judgment Company about tats but there are a LOT of tats in Alaska!
Just a random picture of us at Kensington Lake


  1. Great picture! The full arm tattoos ('sleeves') are plentiful here in the Portland area as well.


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