Tuesday, July 9th-HOT in Anchorage?
Well, Diana has been after me for months to bring jeans, boots, and “layers” for when we get to Alaska. I’m tellin’ ya it ain’t happened! We’ve been in Anchorage and the highs have been in the mid to upper 80’s! That’s not as hot and miserable as Planet Houston but it’s still too hot for hikin’! So we’ve stayed in since we got here to give me time to finish the grading and get the grades in for the two online courses I have this Summer. So 2-3 days of gradin’, nappin’, and takin’ life easy! The weather finally got back to Alaska normal with a high of 62 today. Niiiiiice!
Today we were out on the Seward Highway along the Turnagain Arm and we saw a dumpster that was just too good to pass up! Just who is going to “occupy” a dumpster?
Today we were out on the Seward Highway along the Turnagain Arm and we saw a dumpster that was just too good to pass up! Just who is going to “occupy” a dumpster?
Message was for the Bears :-)