Monday, June 17th-Three Weird Things!

We’ve spent today in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. The first thing we saw was a DC-3 commercial aircraft that is an actual operational wind vane at the Whitehorse Airport. I know it sounds really strange but we watched it turn on its pedestal as the direction of the wind slightly changed. I know you think I’ve been smokin’ funny-smellin’ cigarettes so I took a picture of it. Take a look:
A DC-3 wind Vane?
The second unusual thing we saw was a stern wheeler paddle boat not in the Yukon River but sitting on dry land next to the river! The Klondike Gold Rush is an important part of Whitehorse’s history so Canada has preserved this part of their history. We took a self-guided tour and parts of it were really amazing! Again, here’s a pic of the Klondike with the Yukon River in the background:
The Klondike Sternwheeler

The third unusual sight we saw today was completely by accident. We were driving back to the campground and we saw a highway sign that said Scenic Road. You HAVE to explore a simple two-lane road like that! We followed it to the end and there was Miles Canyon. This place has to be seen to be believed! Here are two pics of the basalt walls with the bright green water:

We got back to the camper and our propane grill was outta juice so Diana cooked steak and shrimp over the wood fire. Delicious!


  1. Those two lane roads hold the best surprises! Amazing scenery that God has given us to live in!

  2. The pictures are fantastic and the stories that go with them make me feel like I am there. Keep them coming as they raise everyone's spirits.


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